birthday on facebook

Where is birthday on Facebook?

Facebook is not just a place to connect with friends and family; it’s also a platform for celebrating special occasions like birthdays. With its various features and options, Facebook makes it easy and fun to celebrate birthdays online. Whether you want to find your friends’ birthdays, change your own birthday, or hide it from certain people, Facebook has got you covered.

So, where can you find and celebrate birthdays on Facebook? Let’s dive into the details and explore everything you need to know about birthdays on this popular social media platform.

Key Takeaways:

  • Facebook offers a range of features for celebrating birthdays and staying connected with friends and family.
  • You can find your friends’ birthdays on Facebook by accessing the “Events” section or using the search function.
  • Facebook allows you to change your birthday in your account settings, but there are limits to the number of times you can make changes.
  • If you prefer not to display your birthday or want to limit who can see it, you can adjust the privacy settings for your birthday on Facebook.
  • While Facebook is a popular platform for birthdays, other social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat also offer similar features.

How to Find Your Friends’ Birthdays on Facebook

Facebook provides a convenient way to stay connected with friends and family, including celebrating their birthdays. If you’re wondering how to find your friends’ birthdays on Facebook, here are some simple steps to follow.

Desktop Website

  1. Open Facebook on your desktop and log in to your account.
  2. In the left sidebar, click on “Events.”
  3. Within the Events section, select “Birthdays.”

This will display a list of your friends’ birthdays, starting with those on the current day. You can scroll through the list and find upcoming birthdays to celebrate or send wishes.

Mobile App

  1. Open the Facebook app on your mobile device and log in to your account.
  2. Tap the search icon at the top of the screen.
  3. Type “Birthdays” in the search bar.
  4. From the search results, select the option with a cake icon.

This will show you a list of your friends’ birthdays on Facebook. You can scroll through the list and plan ahead for upcoming birthdays.

Note: Facebook also provides notifications and reminders for your friends’ upcoming birthdays. You may receive birthday notifications in your News Feed or receive a reminder on the day of the birthday.

Now that you know how to find your friends’ birthdays on Facebook, you can stay connected and make their special day even more memorable.

How to Change Your Birthday on Facebook

If you want to change your birthday on Facebook, you can easily do so in your account settings. Follow the steps below to update your birth date, month, or year:

Desktop Website:

  1. Go to your profile page.
  2. Select the “About” tab.
  3. Click on “Contact and Basic Info.”
  4. Scroll down to your birthday details.
  5. Click the edit icon.
  6. Make the necessary changes to your birth date, month, or year using the drop-down menus.

Mobile App:

  1. Tap your profile picture.
  2. Select “See Your About Info.”
  3. Tap “Edit” next to “Basic Info.”
  4. Update your birth date, month, or year using the drop-down menus.

It’s important to note that Facebook has imposed certain limitations on changing your birthday. You can only make a limited number of changes, so make sure to double-check before saving your updated information.

Steps to Change Your Birthday on Facebook

Device Steps
Desktop Website
  1. Go to your profile page.
  2. Select the “About” tab.
  3. Click on “Contact and Basic Info.”
  4. Scroll down to your birthday details.
  5. Click the edit icon.
  6. Make the necessary changes to your birth date, month, or year using the drop-down menus.
Mobile App
  1. Tap your profile picture.
  2. Select “See Your About Info.”
  3. Tap “Edit” next to “Basic Info.”
  4. Update your birth date, month, or year using the drop-down menus.

update birthday on Facebook

How to Hide Your Birthday on Facebook

If you prefer not to display your birthday on Facebook or want to limit who can see it, you can adjust your privacy settings. To hide your birthday, follow these simple steps:

  1. On the desktop website:
    1. Go to your profile page.
    2. Select the “About” tab.
    3. Choose “Contact and Basic Info.”
    4. Next to your birthday or birth year, click on the privacy settings icon.
    5. Select the desired audience: Public, Friends, Only Me, or Custom.
  2. On the mobile app:
    1. Tap your profile picture.
    2. Select “See Your About Info.”
    3. Tap “Edit” next to “Basic Info.”
    4. Choose the privacy settings for your birthday.

Example screenshot of privacy settings:

By adjusting your privacy settings, you can control who can see your birthday on Facebook. This gives you the flexibility to keep it private or share it with only a select group of friends.

Remember to regularly review and update your privacy settings to ensure your personal information is protected. Now you can keep your birthday private while enjoying the features and connections Facebook has to offer.

Why you may not see some birthdays on Facebook

While using Facebook, you may come across instances where you cannot see certain birthdays on the platform. This can happen due to various reasons, including user privacy settings and personal preferences. Let’s explore why you may not be able to view some birthdays on Facebook.

Privacy settings and hidden birthdays

Facebook provides users with the ability to control the visibility of their personal information, including their birthdays. Some friends may choose to hide their birthdays entirely or display only their birth date without the year. By adjusting their privacy settings, they can limit who can view this information.

“I prefer to keep my birthday private on Facebook. It’s a personal choice that allows me to maintain my privacy while still enjoying the social aspects of the platform.” – Sarah

If a friend has decided to hide their birthday or set it to a limited audience, you won’t be able to see it in the Facebook Birthdays list or on their profile. It’s essential to respect their privacy choices and understand that not everyone wishes to share their birthday information publicly.

Respecting personal preferences

Every individual has the right to decide how much information they want to disclose on social media platforms like Facebook. While some users may find joy in celebrating their birthdays publicly, others may prefer a more intimate approach. It’s important to understand and respect their personal preferences regarding the visibility of their birthdays.

Remember, birthdays are personal and hold different significance for different people. By respecting others’ privacy choices, we can create a more inclusive and respectful online environment.

Stay connected, regardless of birthdays

Even if you can’t see someone’s birthday on Facebook, it doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate or connect with them. You can still reach out to your friends through direct messages, phone calls, or in-person celebrations.

Ways to stay connected
Send a personalized birthday message via Facebook Messenger
Plan a surprise birthday gathering with close friends
Call or video chat to wish them a happy birthday
Send a thoughtful birthday gift or card

hidden birthdays on Facebook

Even if you don’t see someone’s birthday on Facebook, there are plenty of ways to make them feel special and celebrate their special day.

Facebook’s Birthday Feature Compared to Other Social Media Platforms

Facebook, with its massive user base, provides a convenient feature for finding and celebrating birthdays. While Instagram and Snapchat also offer birthday-related features, Facebook remains one of the most popular and reliable platforms for this purpose.

Instagram allows users to find friends’ birthdays through their profiles, but its user base is smaller compared to Facebook. Snapchat, on the other hand, also lets users find friends’ birthdays, but its user base is smaller compared to Facebook.

Facebook vs Instagram for Birthdays

When it comes to celebrating birthdays, Facebook and Instagram offer different approaches:

Feature Facebook Instagram
Find Friends’ Birthdays ✔️ ✔️
User Base Large Smaller
Birthday-Related Features Extensive Limited

Snapchat vs Facebook for Birthdays

Comparing Facebook and Snapchat for birthdays:

Feature Facebook Snapchat
Find Friends’ Birthdays ✔️ ✔️
User Base Large Smaller
Birthday-Related Features Extensive Limited


Celebrating birthdays on Facebook is a hassle-free and convenient way to stay connected with your loved ones. With Facebook’s features, you can easily find your friends’ birthdays and make sure not to miss any special moments. Additionally, Facebook allows you to customize your own birthday details and control the privacy settings, ensuring you have full control over who can see your birthday information.

One of the great advantages of celebrating birthdays on Facebook is the opportunity to share special moments through photos. You can create a post, attach photos from the birthday celebration, and share them with your friends and family. This allows everyone to join in the joyous occasion and feel connected, even if they couldn’t be there physically.

Furthermore, Facebook provides a platform for sending heartfelt birthday greetings to your loved ones. You can write personalized messages on their timeline or send private birthday wishes through Messenger. Sharing your warm wishes and making someone feel special on their birthday has never been easier.

In conclusion, Facebook offers a convenient and inclusive way to celebrate birthdays. It allows you to find friends’ birthdays, change your own birthday details, control the visibility of your birthday information, share memorable photos, and send birthday greetings. So, embrace the birthday spirit on Facebook, respect privacy choices, and enjoy connecting with friends and family in the digital world.


Where can I find birthdays on Facebook?

You can find birthdays on Facebook in the “Events” section on the desktop website or by searching for “Birthdays” on the mobile app.

How can I find my friends’ birthdays on Facebook?

To find your friends’ birthdays on Facebook, go to the “Events” section on the desktop website or search for “Birthdays” on the mobile app.

How do I change my birthday on Facebook?

You can change your birthday on Facebook by accessing your account settings and editing your birthday details.

How do I hide my birthday on Facebook?

You can hide your birthday on Facebook by adjusting your privacy settings for your birthday information.

Why can’t I see some birthdays on Facebook?

Some friends may choose to hide their birthdays or adjust their privacy settings, making them not visible to you.

How does Facebook’s birthday feature compare to other social media platforms?

Facebook remains one of the most popular platforms for celebrating birthdays, compared to platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, which have smaller user bases.

How can I celebrate birthdays on Facebook?

You can celebrate birthdays on Facebook by posting wishes and greetings, sharing photos, and creating birthday events or groups.

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Written by David

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